The focus of the Gravis Marketing poll then shifted to asking registered voters, "If you had to vote today in a match-up between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, who would you vote for?" The Virginians polled answered by supporting Hillary Clinton (45 percent) to Donald Trump's (41 percent). 14 percent of those polled are currently unsure as to which of the two presumptive candidates for President of the United States they'd select come November 2016.
Winter Springs, Florida, June 1, 2016 (Newswire.com) - A recent political poll showed Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton leads Republican candidate Donald Trump in electability among Virginia voters, but Republican gubernatorial candidate Ed Gillespie has a slight edge over Democrat Ralph Northam.
Gravis Marketing, a nonpartisan research firm, conducted a random survey of 1,728 registered Virginia voters regarding the presidential race, the race for governor, gay conversion therapy, and other issues.
"The Virginia poll is good news for Mrs. Clinton," President of Gravis Marketing Doug Kaplan stated. "Similar to the Florida poll, she has a lead in a must-win state for Trump. The Democratic party has not coalesced around Clinton since she has not yet won the nomination and President Obama has not endorsed her. Once those two things happen, her numbers should improve among younger voters and liberal-leaning independents."
Doug Kaplan, President
When asked if they approve of Pres. Barack Obama's job performance, 46 percent of respondents approved, while 47 percent disapproved and 7 percent were unsure. As for Gov. Terry McAuliffe's job performance, 42 percent of respondents approved. Forty percent disapproved and seven percent were unsure.
When asked if they would vote for Clinton or Trump if the presidential election were held today, 45 percent of respondents selected Clinton and 41 percent chose Trump. Fourteen percent responded "other." When asked who they would vote for between Clinton, Trump and former Gov. Gary Johnson, 44 percent selected Clinton, 38 percent picked Trump, 12 percent responded "other," and six percent chose Johnson.
"The Virginia poll is good news for Mrs. Clinton," President of Gravis Marketing Doug Kaplan stated. "Similar to the Florida poll, she has a lead in a must-win state for Trump. The Democratic party has not coalesced around Clinton since she has not yet won the nomination and President Obama has not endorsed her. Once those two things happen, her numbers should improve among younger voters and liberal-leaning independents."
Respondents also were asked how they would vote if the Virginia gubernatorial election were held today. Forty percent chose Gillespie, 38 percent selected Northam, and 22 percent responded "other."
Lastly, respondents were asked if they think gay conversion therapy, aimed at changing a person’s sexual orientation, should be legal for minors in Virginia. A majority, 64 percent, said it should be illegal, 13 percent said it should be legal, and 23 percent were unsure.
The poll was conducted May 24 using automated telephone calls. It has a ± 2 percent margin of error at a 95 percent confidence level. The total responses may not equal 100 percent because of rounding.
Of respondents, 53 percent were female and 47 percent were male; 36 percent identified as Democrat, 32 percent as Independent/Other and 31 percent as Republican; and 41 percent were ages 50 to 64, 30 percent were 30 to 49, 17 percent were 65 and older, and 11 percent were 18 to 29. When asked their highest level of education, 31 percent responded postgraduate school, 25 percent had some college experience, 24 percent completed a bachelor's degree, 16 percent graduated high school, and four percent finished some high school. A majority, or 68 percent, of respondents identified as white, 20 percent as African-American, six percent as Hispanic, three percent as "other," and three percent as Asian. Fifty-one percent of respondents identified as Protestant, 25 percent as Muslim, 15 percent as Catholic, four percent as Evangelical Christian, and four percent as Jewish.
Source: Gravis Marketing